

Some of you may already know and some of you may not of the The battle that my husband Tron Lewis began almost 2 years ago in September 2018. Tron is a fairly private person and doesn’t like to share or bring a lot of attention to things that he is going through. I feel like it’s time to share Tron’s journey. John 10:10 tells us that the enemy comes to kill steel and destroy But Jesus comes that we may have life and that we may have life more abundantly. If we remain silent and do not share our testimonies, we unknowingly become partners with the enemy and take away the opportunity that someone may have to see Jesus, his mercy, his enteric way making, and his bountiful joy that is our strength.
God has moved ahead of our family's situation and Tron‘s illness in countless ways. I know to some that may sound strange. But if you have an intimate relationship with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ You can’t help but to look back and see all the ways he was thinking and making a away when it did not seem like there was a way. He has held us through all of those times.  He is the good shepherd.
Tron’s battle began fast and rough. Tron is the type of person that is very scheduled and timely. He went every year for his annual checkup. There were not any real signs that anything was wrong. (Get checked, new colonoscopy check she is recommended at 45 and if you are a black male you need to get check sooner than 45) In August 2018 he started to feel bad, a bad that was like a food poisoning. But it just continues to linger on so like most men, I’m sure, it took him several weeks before he finally went to the doctor, and they scheduled him for a CT scan. During that CT scan it appeared that he had something called colitis and he was put on some antibiotics. The problem only continues to get worse he was so sick and so uncomfortable and so miserable but yet every day he would get up and go to work without missing a beat. It was at that time his doctor sent him for a colonoscopy. Within three minutes of the doctor coming in after the colonoscopy in that little corner triaged, only sheltered by a curtain from the rest of the world, he explained that they were unable to perform the colonoscopy because of a blockage and that he was pretty certain it was cancer. That is where we became part of the battle but little did we know God had been moving and preparing us long before that visit.
You see just a few years before my mother lost her battle with cancer. I was fortunate enough to be a part of taking care of her and going to office visits and doctor visits and chemo treatments. God was preparing me for another battle that I would soon face with my husband.  I had been face-to-face with the damage in the heartbreak and the confusion and the desperation that cancer brings. Sometime after my mother's death My dad met a woman who was also very familiar with the damage and the destruction that cancer brings. She had lost her husband to the same cancer that my husband was now about to battle.  Because of her experiences she was able to share advice in guidance and information that we would not have had readily available. She was able to reach out to nurses and doctors and other people that she knew along the way that were dealing with the same type of cancer. We could have never known that we would need and benefit from her journey, but God knew and planned for it. Way maker
Tron’s diagnosis, stage IV colon rectal cancer with local metastasizing, came like a blow to the gut. Since then, he has had surgery, a little over 30 some odd chemo treatments 5 1/2 weeks of chemo and radiation every weekday. Several procedures biopsies scans that seemed positive only to come back in less than a month with the great vengeance that cancer brings spreading among more organs in his body. Through this entire process he has continued to work be a father be a friend a brother and a husband. Worked in the yard, even during chemo treatment weeks, volunteered, worship God, and remained unbelievably positive.
We have prayed Tron has prayed his children have prayed his friends have prayed his church has prayed his Sunday school group has prayed people he doesn’t even know have prayed for healing and a release from the bond that cancer has on one's body. Those prayers have worked and continue to work they have not returned void and though the situation may seem grim that’s only because we look for healing in a fleshly worldly way. God‘s healing comes in ways that we cannot see and cannot imagine. His thoughts are not our thoughts his ways are not our ways and I thank him for that because there are so many times when he has carried us through and put people in our paths that we would’ve never known to search for. Solutions that we would have never known existed, met friends we would’ve not necessarily met, seen God in ways that we would’ve never seen him. He has stretched his hand out to Tron and our family through countless blessings and through overwhelming generosity of the people around us.
God has surrounded Tron and us with loving caring family devoted brothers and sisters and mother, my family loves Tron endlessly, countless numbers of friends, people that I can call friends that I have never met that are constantly reaching out and letting us know that we are on their minds and they are praying for us and offering their help and services God has shown himself in so many different ways it’s hard to dwell on the bad gut wrenching things that we have encountered through this battle. Those experiences those hurts and pains and disappointments, The destruction to Tron's body that the cancer ravaging through continues to bring, don’t get to be the topic of his story. The enemy does not win we will not dwell on those things we will remain faithful, and our strength will come from the joy of our Lord, and we will bring light to the good things that God has provided along this journey.
Tron has recently started yet another treatment of chemo and antibodies this would be the fourth line chemo treatment. And for most of you who may not know what that means it is the end of the road for what doctors can provide. Because Tron's has stage four cancer, and it has metastasized he is considered uncurable, and the treatment would only seemingly provide time and ideally a quality of life that would allow him to enjoy his family for a little while longer. At this time Tron is too weak to continue on that treatment hospice has been called in and will begin tomorrow. I hate that word “uncurable” because as a Christian it really doesn’t exist Tron is healed, he has been healed God healed him a long time ago when he shed his blood for my husband, and he loves him even more than any of us ever could and he will hold him and carry him and give him peace and strength and he will be made whole again.
I ask you guys to continue to pray for Tron and pray for his children his family and me that we may have the strength to remain positive and strong and sturdy and grounded in our faith so that we may the hands and vessels of God to help Tron through the end of his battle, so that he does not have to fight alone. Let us be a light in the darkness. Let our hearts mourn but our spirit not be broken. Let us serve, be faithful and be “Healed Like Tron”!
I will continue to give updates as I can.
I will also try to be a resource for those in need.
Please looked to Jesus and accept him as your Lord and Savior. 

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